its been a busy few weeks with thanksgiving and christmas prep. heres a few pix from it. It snowed the week of thanksgiving and melted awy and was warmer this week. but then snowed again today, barely. We've had more snow in the past month than in the 2 years we've lived here. I think its raining now so who knows if we'll have a white christmas. We've seen Santa 3times already. the last time Monroe actually sat on his lasp which was cool. Berkleys excited for her christmas program for pre-school this week and Im probably more excited for her. she has her part down. I love christmas time and everything that goes with it! and having kids makes it awesome! We I was getting ready this morning I heard Berk singing really loud along with a Christmas Cd that grandma Turner gave her a few years bak so I went in to spy and it was so stinkin cute i had to video. she had the book with the words pretending to read. Im gonna try and post the videos of it but I always struggle posting videos. outta time! Merry Chirstmas!!!!
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